Eye Doctor again

Today I went to the eye doctor.  I don’t need glasses!  Hooray!

The nurse took a picture of my eyes and then made me read the numbers.  I got some hot chocolate.  The eye doctor said the picture of my eyes look good!

Then we went to Grandma and Grandpas  house.

Then we went to the Bookworm.   That is a place where we buy books.  I got a dolly book and a Sea Princess book.

Then we went out to eat.  I ate pizza and a breadstick.  I drank lots of pop!

Then we went home.  We played and then cleaned and now I am finishing my blog.

My best part of the day was going out to eat!  Then the bookstore.

3 thoughts on “Eye Doctor again”

  1. I am so glad that you don’t need glasses. I do think that you would look as adorable with glasses as you do without. You had a good day.

    Love you and hugs and kisses all around!

  2. Verrrrry happy you had such a good time today, we did to…….Love you lots and lots.

    Nana and Papa

  3. hooray you don’t need glasses :o) I guess I’ll throw out the extra pair I was saving ;o). I still have some V-day flowers for you and Audrey… when will I see you too again :o)?

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