Going to the Eye Doctor

Yesterday at 10:00, I went to the eye doctor.  I was nervous.

Me and the nurse played some games.  We played some word games.  We played with pictures.  After we played the games, them put something in my eyes.  They made me BLINK!  Then we went into the hallway.  I had some hot chocolate and two cookies!

Then I went with Momma.  After she went with the nurse, we saw the eye doctor.  He was nice.  I was a little scared of him.  He showed me some pictures of birthday cakes, an old old old phone, and a duck.

When it was Momma’s turn, she said to read a book.   When I tried it was all blurry.  I couldn’t even see a word! She said “Did the nurse put something in your eyes?”  I said yes.  She said, “then you can’t read!”

When it was my turn to see the eye doctor I got more hot chocolate and cookies.  Momma faked reading a book, because she couldn’t see either!  I helped Momma pick out new glasses.  They are really pretty.

I have to come back another day.  The eye doctor said that I was far sighted.  He said that was normal for kids.  He saw something interesting in my eyes and he wants to see me not this Tuesday but the following Tuesday.

We went to Grandma’s house.  We had some juice and a peanut butter sandwhich.  Then we went to pick up Audrey and Adrian and Mark.  Then we went home.

The end.

2 thoughts on “Going to the Eye Doctor”

  1. Then you came back to my house and we had a picnic in the living room and watched a movie while you Mom and Dad had a date. I warned your Dad he had better behave himself with my daughter while they were out………We all had a good time……..

    The Papa

  2. ooo la la the eye doctor! Sounds like you had fun! Isn’t it strange how the eye drops make it so you can’t read?

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