Here is a baked pumpkin custard, cookies crumbles, candied pistachio, meringue, and some whipped cream. It tasted very good, but it still needs a little work.

Here is a baked pumpkin custard, cookies crumbles, candied pistachio, meringue, and some whipped cream. It tasted very good, but it still needs a little work.
I am experimenting with new dessert ideas. Here is what I came up with: a Chocolate, Hazelnut Galaxy Plate.
Audrey is doing vet tech this year. She learned about cows some last week, and said that she wanted to have a fun key chain. So I had some fun felting a key chain for her using my own design.
We have started making breads this week in class. We made a baguette (the circle ones) and french boule bread. They were really good.
The ingredients were similar, but we used different amounts. Then the dough sat overnight in the refrigerator. The boule was a lot easier to form. Both were cooked in the deck oven.
The boule also made good sandwiches. Today I had it with peanut butter and jelly for lunch. The baguette was good dipped in olive oil with lemon pepper.
If I can make these breads as good at home, we will never have to go to Panera Bread again. Not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing. 🙂
I made this black bean burger the other day in class. It was very good. My family said burgers should have meat in them. So we called it a bean patty. It had a green fried tomato on it too. I loved the green tomatoes, they were so yummy.
This was also the first bread I made in class. It is called a brioche. Daddy warmed it up on the grill for us.
I would highly recommend this and will make again.
Today I am 19. Momma brought home some roses for me. We celebrated my birthday on Monday because Mark and Katie were over. Megan made cheese cake with chocolate chips for my cake. I had a good time this week.
I am so happy, school is open again and I can go to the second year of Culinary Arts! I have a very small class this year, only six of us.
Today, we made this recipe from Chef Margarita. The goal was to show how important it is to follow an exact recipe. My teacher said usually when she has people do this recipe, she has some people who make something that look like fudge, and some something that looks like granola. Everybody in my class (all four of us) made them look pretty much the same.
I had a good day baking today. Hope to make more good things soon.
I have earned these certificates in the last three months. The first is a basic review of what I learned in class. The second one is learning how to run a restaurant.
Chef Pica sent a link a few months ago saying if we were interested in earning some free online training, to look at these courses. I only did the two.
Now to start studying again for my servsafe certificate.
Audrey learned how to do a new kind of hair curl with straws. So Audrey and Momma did Megan’s and my hair.