
I have earned these certificates in the last three months. The first is a basic review of what I learned in class. The second one is learning how to run a restaurant.

Chef Pica sent a link a few months ago saying if we were interested in earning some free online training, to look at these courses. I only did the two.

Now to start studying again for my servsafe certificate.

Super Easy Bread

I wanted to try an experiment. I took a good pizza crust we like and a dutch oven bread we like and combined them.  All the measurements are approximate 🙂

  • A little less than 5 cups flour
  • 1 Tbl sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2.5 Tbl yeast
  • 2 Tbl oil
  • 2 cups lukewarm water
  1. Mixed all together.
  2. Knead dough well.
  3. Let rise in greased bowl till doubled.
  4. Preheat a dutch oven in the stove at 450.
  5. Carefully put dough in dutch oven and place in oven.
  6. Bake for about 30 minutes with the lid and then take lid off for the last ten minutes or until bread is golden.
  7. The bread will sound hollow when done.
  8.  Cool before cutting

I think I would like it a little fluffer. So next time I would punch the bread down and let it rise again when I preheated the oven.  Another thing I will try is shredding cheese to put in it.

Helping Auntie Kristi

A few weekends ago, we went to camp Patmos to help with camp. I helped Auntie Kristi in the kitchen.  I got to meet some of the girls that work there. It was a lot of fun. I enjoyed helping.

I helped make breakfast one day.  We cracked about 500 eggs!  I also helped make chicken, mashed pototoes and helped serve for other meals.

A few years ago, I got to help Auntie Kristi bake too.  She is still silly!


We found a super easy bread recipe that we have been experimenting with. You mix together 3 cups flour, 2 tsp salt, 1 tsp yeast and 1.5 cups water. Mix it well and then let set for 8-18 hours.  Heat your oven to 450 degrees.  Put a dutch oven in the oven with the lid on and warm up for 30 minutes. Place dough on parchment paper, add flour if needed!  Let rest while oven warms up.  Bake in dutch oven for 45 minutes with the lid on.  Then take off and let cook another 10 minutes or until golden brown.

We have tried this recipe with 1/4 cup sour dough starter and it turned out excellent.  Today I added 1 cup shredded cheese and it looks great also!

Candy Sale

This weekend we were vendors for Ruth and Friends tea (they were raising money for Soup for Success).  I made candy! I had caramels, toffee and mint bark.  I do not know if having samples would have helped any, there were so many other sweets there for the tea.  But next time, I will try to have some.

I had fun! I learned to interact with people better. Maybe I can do this again one day, we will see.