
CacoonMy Auntie Lilly taught Momma how to do this to my hair so it could get curly without elastics, bobby pins or curlers.

They are easy and quick to do.  They are cute too.  But they fall out of my hair.  We will keep trying though! If we can figure out how to do it, it will be lots easier and quicker than if we do my hair any other way to get curls.

Thank you Auntie Lilly for the idea!

Flower Braids

FrontBackOn Satrday nite Momma put my hare in rags. Yesterday Momma put some of my hare in 3 little messy brades. She put some more in 1 big brade with a ribbon. Then she twisted the big brade in a flower and put boby pins in to kepe my hare from falling.

Translation if you need it: 😉

On Saturday night, Momma put my hair in rags.  Yesterday Momma put some of my hair in 3 little messy braids. She put some more (hair) in 1 big braid with a ribbon.  Then she twisted the big braid in(to) a flower and put bobby pins in to keep my hair from falling (down).



For Daddy’s birthday, I wanted to dress up. I found this one hair style that I really liked. Momma did it to my hair. When I showed Momma what I wanted, she said it looked hard to do. There was probably a special tool.  There was no special tool and it was EASY.

Audrey had a friend over and they wanted to be twins. So they dressed up like twins and wore the same hair style.  They looked just like twins for Daddy’s party!

Then on Sunday, we all wore the same hair style!



Pulled Braid

Pulled Braid

Crown braid

Oma sent us a new blog with hair styles.  Momma found one for Audrey and one for me.  She put our hair up.  Megan wanted her hair up too, so I put it up.

The braid starts like a crown braid and then pulled the sides of the braids to make it looser. I like it, but Momma said she needs practice to make it smoother looking.