Half Birthday

Today is my half birthday and I am sick!

I am 7 and a half.  Momma says that I am officially 7 and a half because I was born at 6:05!

I got sick because Mark got sick.  I have a fever, a head ache and a cough.  I feel like crying because I feel bad.

Some good things for my half birthday.  I get ice cream and brownie!  It sounds good.  We got to watch the second Acts movie.  I don’t know what my favorite part it.  Momma is reading us Gooney Bird Greene.  She was late for school and she also did some stories about her.  I want to finish the book now.

I hope I feel better tomorrow.

4 thoughts on “Half Birthday”

  1. I am so sorry you are sick. I hope the brownies and ice cream made you feel better. I think that ice cream would be nice with a fever and cough. You might need to eat lots and lots and lots!

    The book sound fun. It’s nice to have a mommy to read to you when you are sick. My mommy used to do that for me as well.

    Happy Half Birthday and get well!

  2. Happy half birthday Sweetheart!

    It is getting close to spring. I saw a few Robins today and some rabbits playing in the backyard. Our crocus’s are starting to come up too.

    Soon you will be well and you can enjoy being outside again.
    I love you lots,

  3. I’m feeling better! I don’t have a fever.

    The ice cream was very very cold. I had a piece of brownie and I also had a strawberry ice cream cone. I want more ice cream today 🙂

    xoxoxoxoxo andrea

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