Lake Ann Camp

I enjoyed Lake Ann Camp a lot this year.  There was a lot of screaming the first few days, but then it got quiet because everyone lost their voice 🙂 and that was okay with me.

I liked paintball.  It was fun that I kept shooting Audrey, but must have missed her.  I was pretty sure I was close, but she did not get out.  She did not know it was me until I asked if it was her I was shooting at.

It was fun getting to know other kids and Evie better too.

Camp is a lot of fun.  Whether I am a camper or helping in the kitchen, I really enjoy being at camp.  Not only do I get to know people, I get to listen to chapel and learn more about God.

I am looking forward to seeing how next summer and camp works out!

The above pictures where taken by my friend Evie, and these are used with permission from Lake Ann.

Guess Where?

Guess where I was last week.  Here is a hint!

I got to go back to Patmos and help again for a week. Audrey’s friend, Casteel had a birthday and invited Audrey over for the week. I got to tag along!

I helped in the kitchen again.  This time it was for family camp so there was a lot more people there.

I also got to go to the Patmos staff “birthday” party.  We all turned ten and got to be really silly.