Answered Prayer

On my new scooter

I wanted a scooter. When I was at the Sellers I practiced on one and liked it. I wanted a scooter after that.

Yesterday while we were going to Science Sleuths, there was this big sign saying “Free”. There were two scooters; one three wheeler and one two wheeler.  The two wheeler had blue duct tape, the other one is all fixed okay and it has spider man. But Momma said “it’s okay”. It is smaller so Adrian can ride easy.

There were two chairs. One had hearts and the other didn’t. Momma told us we could pick them up if we wanted them. So we went and got them. Daddy said they are nice oak chairs.

Hooray! God answered our prayers by making our scooters free! It was a nice surprise.

3 thoughts on “Answered Prayer”

  1. God does give us the desires of our heart when we trust Him, love Him and follow His Word and ask Him. Sometimes it is a wonderful surprise like your free scooters!! Father, God, We thank you for giving Andrea and Adrian the scooters to play with and share!

  2. It is nice when God gives us surprises. He can say “no”. He loves us uncondisionally. He gave us two air tickets in Atlanta to go anywhere in the world. We are going to use them to go to Europe next Wednesday! Now we have to say “thank you” Jesus

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