Today we went to Grandma’s house. We saw some old dolls.
One was Grandma’s and it was 60 years old. When Grandma was five, she got the doll. Her sister was asked what she wanted. Her sister said a train.
There are three black dolls. One is in this pretty dress, all pink. One is in overalls with a striped shirt and then the last one is a little doll in overalls that look like pants with a shirt. These are from Mrs. Washington. They were Great Grandma Lamb’s. She is Momma’s Daddy’s Momma. Mrs. Washington was her neighbor. She called Great Grandma Lamb “her white granddaughter!”.
There were some other dolls. They were littler. Great Grandma said that one was from Great Grandpa when he went to England and it was over 100 years old! The oldest doll is sitting by my arm on the right by the black doll.
There was other fragile ones. Some of them were between in age.
Momma’s dolls are porcelain dolls. One has white hair, one has yellow hair. The yellow hair one has a red dress with a sunbonnet. The white hair doll has a white and green dress and wearing a white hat with a green ribbon.
In the picture with Great Grandma, Mark is standing on his tippy toes!
Grandma and Great Grandma had a good time with you guys and enjoyed looking at their old dolls…….we liked all the pictures……
Nana and Papa and Great Grandma Bea