Help Wanted

ReadingI have trouble reading. God made me so I can’t read very well. I have been trying hard to learn to read, but I am still not where I want to be.

School is a little harder for me.  Because I can’t read, someone reads me all of my lessons. I am doing most of my subjects with Audrey so Momma or Audrey can read my lessons. Sometimes it is frustrating because I could get my school done faster if I could read it myself.

I am good in math but struggle with memorizing things.  So it makes a lot of classes hard.

We have learned if someone has put a story on my MP3 player, or we find a CD that matches the book I am reading, I can read the book while listening to the recording. I remember a lot better what I read that way. I have been able to read some really good stories like Tolkien’s Lord of the Ring Series and Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia.  I can read Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew and a lot of classics. I like Little Women and Girl of the Limberlost.

I know that God made me this way purposely. It is teaching me patience and perseverance :)  It is also making me learn to ask for help.

Momma and Daddy help find audio books on the internet. I check out recordings from the library. We have started to buy some favorites.

But I have a bunch of books that I would love to read that we can’t find.  I started a new page on my blog of books and audio books that I am looking for.  Would you please help me look for them?  I prefer unabridged books. The audio books need to match, word for word. If you can find them on sale or at garage sales for really good prices, can you pick me up some for my collection?

Thank you!

5 thoughts on “Help Wanted”

  1. Hey, have you tried the Heroes of the faith series. They are stories of missionaries.

  2. Dear Andrea, I have time. I love to read. I could read these books to you…Postage is bad but maybe there is an audio file I could send you somehow. I will pray about this , God can help. Love Lorraine

  3. Keeper of the Bees is one of my favorite all time books. It’s been a long time since I’ve read it, but if I can find it, I’ll try to record it for you in my spare time. I think Grandma Reble let me have her copy when I was in highschool. Love you!

  4. Momma has the book, she said it is very good too 🙂 She said that you could borrow it if you promise to return it.

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