I love to read. But I have trobol reading. Daddy and Momma bot me a MP3 player to read to me. I also have a Now Bible to help me. Momma and Daddy reads to me too.
We go to the librey and find lisening tapes that we have the book too . Thay find books that we have and down lode books (like from Books Should be Free) . I read them.
Here’s some of the books I read. We still find lisening tapes from the librey.
Momma is helping me now. I am telling her what to write.
Something I would really like are listening tapes or MP3’s of books we have or other good books. Momma says that she can’t find all the books that I want. Would you like to record an MP3 story for me? I need the story read exactly as it is written in the book so I can follow along. Right now I am looking for Hardy Boy recordings. I also would like to read Nancy Drew. I love to read lots, so I run out of books faster than Momma can find me new ones. I would like to try Millie or Violet by Martha Finley. I also would love some Asterix. Please talk to Momma or Daddy if you need ideas. I have some book ideas on my wishlist.
Thank you God for MP3 players so I can read lots of different kinds of books!