Helping Shear Alpacas

Last Thursday, we helped the neighbors do alpaca shearing. There was a plastic sheet we put under the alpacas. When the good stuff is cut off, it falls on the sheet and two people take it and wrap it up. Then two people take a plastic bag and pick up the other good parts (the seconds).

We threw away the small bad pieces because they are not good for anything. Seconds are good for rugs. The best part they cut first, they give it to some people to make yarn.

We swept up the pieces for the next alpaca’s turn. They did white, brown and then black.  I don’t know why they did it in that order.

My job was helping with the plastic and sweeping up before the next alpaca. I also brought one of the black alpacas out. It was ornery! I also helped Audrey label all the bags so we knew who the fiber was from.

I did not like the first one, Alaska, because she was crying all the time. The other nine did not cry, but Mark said they were moaning.  When they held their ears, it looked like they were being mean to the alpacas, but they were not. The alpacas got sheared so they did not get so hot this summer.  But now they look funny!

The picture of the sheared white one is Sunshine. The fluffy brown one on top, is Chewbacca.

One thought on “Helping Shear Alpacas”

  1. their alpacas look a bit scrawny after a shave. At least it is summer and they can recuperate.
    While travelling here in South Africa, I saw some sheep that were shorn and that is quite late I would think for our winter. If it snows soon, then it is bad..

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