Fun School Day

Mrs. Clawson, a meteorologist from WNDU, came to our house yesterday to video tape us doing maple syrup.

Momma talked about school and how making syrup helps us be responsible. Then Mark talked how we make maple syrup.

She took some videos of the sap dripping into the buckets. We also drilled a hole in a tree and she made a video of that. She took a video of me carrying wood to cook the sap and of me pouring some syrup on a stack of four pancakes. She wanted the picture of the syrup being poured on the pancakes. Then we ate pancakes with maple syrup!

I don’t know if I would want her job. I feel uncomfortable talking to people that I don’t know.  I would like driving places and learning different things. She said she spent most of her time on the computer editing stuff. I wouldn’t like that job. But, I liked learning a little about how she does it. It was a good school day!

Answered Prayer

On my new scooter

I wanted a scooter. When I was at the Sellers I practiced on one and liked it. I wanted a scooter after that.

Yesterday while we were going to Science Sleuths, there was this big sign saying “Free”. There were two scooters; one three wheeler and one two wheeler.  The two wheeler had blue duct tape, the other one is all fixed okay and it has spider man. But Momma said “it’s okay”. It is smaller so Adrian can ride easy.

There were two chairs. One had hearts and the other didn’t. Momma told us we could pick them up if we wanted them. So we went and got them. Daddy said they are nice oak chairs.

Hooray! God answered our prayers by making our scooters free! It was a nice surprise.

Birthday Flowers

Birthday flowersto dae i  got sum fowlrs!

Today I got some flowers from Opa!  They are for my birthday!  Some of them are white.  They are called Baby Breath.  There are some pink carnations and some purple.  We don’t know what the purple ones are.

I like them.  They are pretty, pretty, pretty!Birthday flowers and Smiles

Thank you Opa and Oma!

We made Cowgirl Cookies for my birthday tomorrow.  They are GOOD!

Tomorrow is going to be so much fun!  Daddy is gone, but  he promised me an ice cream date when he gets back.

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Today is Daddy’s Birthday!  For breakfast we are going to give him some banana rolls and tonight we are going to have cookout.  It’s still a surprise so, I can’t say what we are having.

I love him! And he loves me!

P.S.  These pictures are of fighting the Scout Wars.  They were trying to defend the Golden Beads.   Princess Renee made Daddy his special shied for safety.  Princess Sarah and Prince Caspian went along to help protect him.  Prince Mark made it half way and died  ):  defending the Golden Beads.  He got hit by a water balloon.

Happy Birthday Daddy!  I love you!