Soccer Coach

This is Megan.  I am being sneaky.  Andrea is my soccer coach.  She is very good.  She is the world’s best soccer coach!

I got to pick out my soccer shirt.  I chose number 7 because Andrea’s number is 7 too!


I had my first soccer game on Saturday. It was fun.  We did not have our goalie, so two players partly volunteered, partly were volunteered. We did good for our first game.

Soccer Schedule for now:

30 April Nibco 6:30

6 May Nibco 5:00

7 May Argus Community Park 10:00

13 May Hebron 5:00

14 May Hallmark #2 5:00

20 May Nibco 5:30

Fun Treats

I made some new treats. Opa and Oma are in Bonaire.  Opa put the recipe for the sugar waffles on his blog. Momma knew about Stroopwafels and we wanted to try them too.

The Stroopwafels (Dutch Syrup Waffles) were good. I did not cook the syrup long enough so the syrup ran a lot. Daddy cooked it longer and then it was like a chewy candy.

Sugar Waffles were like pizzelles. They would be very good with ice cream.

Soccer Coach!

My Wednesday night leader at church asked if I wanted to be a coach for soccer. He needed a kindergarten coach.  I needed to know my own soccer schedule before I knew if I could do it. So we waited.

Last week I learned that my practices would be on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. I was disappointed because I would miss out of church.  But, that was great for being a coach, because I was needed on Monday and Thursdays!

My leader said I could tell him my verses and show him my work on Sundays. And when practice is cancelled; like this week because of the weather, I get to go to church!

Today we had a soccer clinic.  I am a little nervous because I have never coached before. It sounds like I have to make up everything, and take turns being a referee during games.  But, once I get used to it, I think I will really enjoy it! Plus, Audrey is going to be my co-coach and that will be fun!

Happy Birthday Adrian

Today is Adrian’s birthday.  He is ornery sometimes. So I think I should be ornery to him.

I’ll ask Mark to make something to blow up a cake; just a little explosion.  I will make a crocodile cake with red Bavarian cream in it.  When Adrian blows out his candles, it will explode and red Bavarian cream will fly everywhere!

We better eat this cake outside, or Adrian will have a big mess to clean up when I go to soccer practice!

Happy Birthday Adrian.  I love you lots and lots!