Happy Birthday

Today is Audrey’s Birthday.  She is my sister.  She is turning six.  I want to sing the Happy Birthday song.

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday to Audrey,

Happy birthday to you!

She loves me!  She is CRAZY just like her brothers and her daddy.  I like her silliness.  I like that she sometimes makes bracelets for me.  I love her!

Awards Night

Wednesday night was Awards Night.  I got a ribbon.  I earned it by saying my verse every Wednesday night, doing quiet time, extra credit, bringing my Bible and my notebook and by being there!  Mark got a gold medal because he is older.

The last Wednesday night of the year (school quarter) is Awards Night.  I got first place for first grade and first place for first and second grade (for this semester).   Mark earned a reward to (for this semester).

My favorite verse for this year is John 3:16.  For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotton son that whoever believes in him will have eternal life.


Four days ago we found one toad.  The next day we found another toad.  Then the next day we found another toad!  Them live under the porch.

Adrian’s toad’s name is Nothing.  Audrey’s toad is Explore.  My toad’s name is Explorer.  We play with them everyday when we get to go outside.  We go under the porch and play with them.  When we found the toad that we found last, Momma asked if there were three toads down there.  I said yes.  Momma giggled.  Then she took pictures of me holding the three toads.

We are going to find more toads!  I want at least four living under our porch!  Mark wants one.

Mark has written a new post.  If you have not read it yet, get it here!

Memorial Day Weekend

i had a fun weekend we went to the sellers house i love the sellers

(This was written by Andrea with a little help from Mark).

The first day we picked up sticks  and played at the pond.  We canoed and slide down the water slide and jumped off the trampoline.  We rode a pony the second day. The third day we ate breakfast, went to a Memorial day parade and then after lunch we went home.  It was a good weekend!

Chai Taste Test

We made some home made instant chai. Then we had a taste test.

We wrote on a piece of paper which one we thought we would like best. Then we tasted one, two, three, four and five.

My favorite one was FIVE because it was the creamiest.  I don’t like number three, it tasted like water.

This chart is who liked what.  Everybody did it except for Momma, because she knew which one was which.

If you want to see how to make it, go to Momma’s recipe blog.

Home made #1 with Nestea


Home made #2 with Meijer brand


Control Sample


Home made #1 with Meijer brand


Sam’s Club “Enchanted Chai”


Favorite * ** **
Creamiest * * ***
Spicyest * **
Worst ***
Prettiest * * *
Best Smell *

My First Full Bible!

I got a new Bible and a new notebook for Christmas from Mommy and Daddy.  My Bible cover is a dark pink and light pink.   There is a heart with the dark pink and it has a zipper to put my lip gloss in.

I wanted a new Bible because I learned how to read.  It is a special treat when you get older.   When we learn  how to read, we get a Bible.  I get to read it by myself now!  I will read it on Sunday and Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday and Friday and Saturday.

I like my Bible.  It is kinda of hard, but fun.