Happy Birthday Uncle Josh

Uncle JoshHappy Birthday, Uncle Josh! How old are you?  Can you guess where this picture came from?

Uncle Josh is Daddy’s youngest brother.  He is special because he plays with us.  We don’t get to see him much because he is in college.

Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Uncle Josh, Happy Birthday to you!

I love you!

Halloween Weekend

We had a lot of fun this weekend.

We went Trick or Treating.  We went down two blocks and probably 10 houses.  We got a handful of candy at each house!  We went by our friends house in Ohio.  Can you guess who everyone is in the Trick or treat picture?

Then we bobbed for apples, tried to bite into a donut on a string, stayed up late–the boys stayed up till the middle of the night–and we saw horses.

It was a GOOD weekend!

Princess and the Pea

Cold wet princessOnce upon a time, there lived a princess named Andrea.  One cold, rainy day, she knocked on a castle door.  The prince opened the door.  He asked her to spend the night and to eat dinner with the whole family.  She did.  She got to stay in a room with twenty mattresses all the way up to the ceiling!  When no body else was looking, the queen mother put a bean under the mattresses.  Twenty mattresses up to the ceiling

When the princess woke up, the mother asked how did she sleep.  Andrea said, “not very well”.  The queen also asked, “Why didn’t you sleep very well?”  Princess Andrea told her that there was something under her bed.  The queen was very happy because she finally found a real princess for her son. The queen knew Princess Andrea was a real princess because she could feel the bean under her bed!

beautiful princessPrincess Andrea and the princes became friends.  Then a year later they got married.  Then another year later they got a beautiful new daughter and a beautiful son.  Then they lived happily ever after.

The end!

Apple Picking

Apples!Picking applesWalking with DaddyOn Saturday  we had a fun and busy day. We went apple picking.  We picked some apples.  I think they were Cortland apples.  Adrian picked some apples from small branches (the low ones).  He wanted little apples.  I picked from high up in the tree, big apples!  I was on Daddy’s shoulders.

We couldn’t go on the pumpkin ride because it was too busy.  I felt sad, I really wanted to do it.

Enjoying the dayI love fall!Daddy treated us to hot dogs, A&W Root beer and chips.  We got to eat in the car!  We had dessert from Dairy Queen.  We got a Dilly Bar.  Audrey calls it a big chocolate chip ice cream on a stick.  I never had one before.  I liked it.  Audrey says “yum, yum, yum”.

We are going to make applesauce and apple crisp and dried apples.

Pumpkin Pie

Crushing graham crackersThe other day, I made a pumpkin pie.  It was easy to make.  It tasted good.  We had it for dinner because it is the pumpkin season.  We used the pumpkin from Audrey and Adrian’s jack o lantern.

For the crust, mix these ingredients all together.  Then push into the pie pan.  Then put them in the oven for a little bit. (Ten minutes at 350 degrees).  Momma says you can use a regular pie crust too, but we did not want to make one.

6 Tablespoons butter

Mixing the pie ingredients1 1/2 cup crushed graham crackers

1/2 cup brown sugar

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

Then mix all the ingredients for the pie and pour into the crust.

1 cup cooked pumpkin

Finished pie1/2 cup sugar

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon ginger

1/4 teaspoon cloves

1 teaspoon vanilla

Yummy pie1 cup milk

2 egg yolks

2 egg whites beaten stiff

Then bake at  425 degrees for 10 minutes.  Reduce oven to 375 degrees and bake abut 30 minutes until filling is set.  Cool some before eating.

Adrian’s First Trip to the Dentist

At the dentistI let Adrian write this blog for me.  Me and Audrey and Adrian went to the dentist yesterday.  Here’s his story.

I went to the dentist. Uncle Sam is Angelique’s husband. He is my dentist.

Audrey went first. Andrea went second. Adrian went third.

I walked in the room. I sat on the fun ride seat. It was white (it was really blue! :)  A little apprehensive). The seat went down and down and I was laying down.I touched the tickle toothbrush on my hands. I did not like the toothpaste. She (the hygienist) counted my teeth. I have 20 teeth. I didn’t like the second toothpaste (fluoride).

I got the yellow toothbrush and some bubblegum toothpaste and the stickers!

I like the dentist.

🙂 P.S.  Now we have a new game to play!Playing dentist